User manual for VR platforms

Books and scientific articles (in preparation)

We have been working on a handbook that will help potential users of virtual reality and augmented reality to better understand the technologies and to enhance their use in education. The handbook titled “The Short Handbook about Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Field of Education” is yet to be published but we made the table of contents available for everyone.


The Short Handbook about Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Field of Education

Table of contents

Our scientific studies focusing on the use of virtual reality are currently under peer review. As soon as the peer review process is complete with a positive outcome, we will share our findings on this website as well.


Biomedical engineering BSC curriculum

Biomedical Engineering BSc joint Programme 


MOO courses

Available courses developed by the V.I.B.E. team:

  1. Cell biology cours

If you would like to learn about cell biology, click on the link below and check out our massive open online course, “Exploring the Mysteries of Life: An Introduction to Cell Biology”:

MOOC#1 : Panopto

  1. Introduction to the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in STEM Education

The main goal of our project is to promote the use of virtual and augmented reality in STEAM education. This course summarizes the most important software and hardware components of VR\AR and also provides plenty of examples of educational programs using VR and AR.

  1. The psychology and physiology of stress

Come, get familiar with the biological and psychological background of stress, while enjoying some virtual reality contents that help you better understand stress.

The psychology and physiology of stress – Course – NAU site

Fájlok –

Part- time education material on VR platform