I. Transnational Project Meeting in Pecs – 

ERASMUS+ Virtual Biomedical and STEM/STEAM Education – V.I.B.E. project


The first face-to-face meeting was held in Pecs 23rd of May 2022.

Firstly, the presenters shared the plans and aim for the two-day event. Then, the actual status of the VIBE project was reviewed with a special emphasis on the results of the latest survey research focusing on the virtual reality (VR) platforms used by developers, technicians, students, and other regular users. Future plans on how to continue the survey research were discussed. The next topic was the user manual on VR and augmented reality (AR) technologies, which is planned to be written by the partners. Both structure and content-related issues were discussed. The partners agreed that the handbook will cover the following topics: general definitions of VR and AR, the hardware components of VR and AR, the software components of VR and AR, and use cases (e.g. using VR and AR in clinical practice). It has also been decided that each partner will be working on different chapters.

After the coffee break, each of the partners introduced their institution. From the University of Porto, prof Elísio Manuel de Sousa Costa gave a presentation. The DEX Innovation Centre was introduced by Adam Cervenka, while the Silesian University of Technology was introduced by prof Ewaryst Tkacz. All presentations included information regarding human resources, technological equipment, public relations, and other collaborating partners.

At the end of the meeting, future plans for events, website development and potential VR and AR technologies to use in the project were discussed. The University of Pécs will be responsible for the purchase of VR and AR equipment as well as for the development of an official website and for the management of social media platforms.